We hope you will find our December 2021 issue of the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) newsletter informative. This newsletter is sent out twice a year to keep you informed on CAP fish and habitat data exchange activities and progress.
This 3rd issue of the newsletter includes:
- spotlight article on the Colville Tribes’ OBMEP Database
- upcoming changes to the CAP Fish HLIs Data Display based on recommendations received from a PNAMP FMWG task group and approved by the StreamNet Executive Committee.
- new tabular queries to improve data access based on partners’ input
- ongoing and new FMWG task groups addressing various tasks to improve StreamNet and CAP data and tools
- update on the HCAX
If you have questions, or you were forwarded this newsletter and would like to be added to our list, please send an email to: CAP@streamnet.org