Fish High Level Indicators

The Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) fish high-level indicators (HLIs) query systems provide access to standardized data for fish population HLIs housed in the Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange (CAX) that informs regional assessments and reports. These population-level HLI data are developed by CAP and shared here via the two query systems below.

For more information on the process guiding data shared through the CAP, view the CAP section of this website.

To obtain a data set from a specific date, such as a previous version of the database that is referenced elsewhere, please contact us using the “Contact” link at the bottom of the page or by the ‘Contact Us’ under the About section. Versions from the past year are available to download from the map query below the download all CA button.

For API access to explore data, please see our API documentation page

Click Map or Query Image to Explore Data

Hatchery Origin Fish HLIs Query Under Development