High-level indicators shared through the Coordinated Assessments Partnership
StreamNet "trends" ofresident and anadromousfish time series data
Data sets available for download that don't fit our standardized systems
Resident and anadromous fish distributions and data collection locations
Topic specific tools combining content from multiple sources, such as screw traps usage and regional goals.
Monitoring locations, including dams, weirs, rotary screw traps, PIT-tag detectors, and hatcheries
Fish distributions, facilities, physical features, hydrography base layers, and more
River reaches protected from new hydroelectric development
Hatchery Scientific Review Group's documents and tools used to review hatchery programs
Habitat Evaluation Procedures used to assess hydrosystem effects on wildlife habitat
Supporting information for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's 2001-2004 subbasin plans
Documents and data files produced by the pilot CHaMP project during 2011-2017