Icon for Funding webpageStreamNet is funded primarily through a contract between Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC). PSMFC subcontracts to partner agencies and tribes to support data stewards and staff who, along with StreamNet PSMFC staff, have expertise in GIS, database management, web development, and programming. Current StreamNet subcontracted partners include the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. These subcontracted partners implement StreamNet’s work plan and serve on committees and teams.

StreamNet and Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) co-lead the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP). StreamNet provides the data management and exchange expertise supporting the CAP data system. BPA has been an important source of funding for CAP activities implemented by StreamNet, PNAMP, and other partners. BPA supports CAP work that is consistent with the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s (NPCC) Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (FW-Program) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The StreamNet Program has also secured funding from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries) that has supported CAP-related work and activities. Funding from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Exchange Network grants secured by the CAP Core Team and CAP co-lead have also significantly advanced infrastructure and sharing of CAP Fish HLIs.

Significant in-kind contributions from all partners, as well as the individual EPA Exchange Network Grants secured by partners to advance their data management infrastructure and sharing capacity, contribute to the progress made by StreamNet and CAP-related activities.

Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (FW-Program)

Since 1982, the NPCC FW-Program has recognized the need to apply an adaptive management approach and has continued to improve application of adaptive management at the FW-Program and project scale.  

As part of its 2014 FW-Program Adaptive Management Strategy, the NPCC recommends BPA fund regional efforts to improve data collection and sharing, including StreamNet, PNAMP, and the Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library. The NPCC also supports collaborative efforts to advance development of reporting indicators, including those developed through the CAP (NPCC 2020 Addendum).

CAP Fish HLIs and StreamNet Fish Monitoring Data support:

  • NPCC’s FW-Program Resource Tools and Maps, including the Program Tracker tool and the Program Performance & Progress tool. Associated metadata are made accessible by PNAMP and the Columbia River Fish & Wildlife Library
  • BPA’s reporting for hatchery genetic management plans and the ESA, which includes environmental impact statements, biological assessments, Columbia River System Operations environmental impact statement, and biological opinions. These data are also used to inform life cycle models and for data visualization such as BPA’s  conceptual onefishtwofish tool

Recommendations for CAP-related tasks are included within NPCC’s recommendations for the StreamNet- and PNAMP-funded projects. Recent reviews include:

For past project reviews and recommendations click here.

For an annual summary of the work accomplished by StreamNet and CAP, see the Annual Project Progress Reports for StreamNet and PNAMP (co-lead of CAP):

  • StreamNet’s Annual Project Progress Reports (available in the document table below)
  • PNAMP Annual Reports (available on the PNAMP website)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries) staff provide policy guidance to the work plan and technical expertise that informs the flow of data by participating on the CAP Core Team, StreamNet Executive Committee, StreamNet Steering Committee and CAP Data Exchange Standard Development Team. CAP was designed (in part) to assist and streamline state and tribal data contributions to regional decision-making processes (e.g., NOAA Fisheries five-year status assessments) and reports (e.g., Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp) reports). Since the inception of CAP, supporting the assessments and reporting needs of these partners has been a focus, thus the initial set of HLIs consisted of the data categories aligning with the Viable Salmon Population data needs for NOAA Fisheries’ five-year status reviews.

NOAA Fisheries staff involved in the data compilation to inform the five-year status review of Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead populations have noted the efficiencies gained to inform the NOAA Fisheries status reviews and delisting decisions by accessing standardized natural-origin salmon and steelhead indicators provided by salmon and steelhead managers through the Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange (CAX) system (e.g., adult spawner abundance and productivity). CAP has greatly reduced the time and effort required by NOAA Fisheries to obtain and process data for their Columbia River Basin ESA status assessments, and in 2019, most co-managers chose to provide NOAA access to their data via the CAX, with >95% of Columbia River Basin data being accessed via CAX in 2020, an increase from 2015 when CAX had 75% of the data. StreamNet staff also support NOAA Fisheries’ information needs by assisting NOAA staff with accessing data directly from the CAX and, as of 2012, by maintaining an automated means of feeding indicators and metrics from the CAX to the NOAA Salmon Population Summary (SPS) database. Overall, sharing data via the CAX provides NOAA Fisheries with standardized data, metadata, and a transparent exchange for easy data citation. In addition to providing in-kind cost share, NOAA Fisheries funding has been secured through the Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act (IJFA) established by Congress to promote state activities in support of the management of interjurisdictional fishery resources throughout their range.


FY 2021 Funded Work

StreamNet secured funding provided to PSMFC through the IJFA to support StreamNet’s FY2021 work related to CAP and its CAX database, as well as to initiate outreach with new partners in response to NOAA Fisheries‘ interest in making CAP data-sharing option available to the rest of the West Coast Region. The funding secured in FY2021 allowed StreamNet to:

  • Work with the other CAP co-sponsor (PNAMP) to assess and report on the interest of Puget Sound tribes to participate in CAP and share their Puget Sound population data via the CAX.
  • Improve management, access, and communication of superpopulation indicators and metrics from the CAX.
  • Develop and integrate new population boundaries for depicting and accessing related indicators and metrics.
  • Advance data-sharing capacity of tribes to flow data into the CAX.


FY 2020 Funded Work

StreamNet secured funding provided to PSMFC through the IJFA to support StreamNet’s FY2020 work related to CAP and its CAX database, which included the below tasks: 

  • Maintain and enhance the CAX and ensure that data are updated and quality assurance and control procedures are followed.
  • Prioritize data compilation and reporting for listed salmon and steelhead populations.
  • Implement the priorities outlined by the StreamNet Executive Committee in the Five-Year Plan for the Coordinated Assessments Partnership.
  • Share and coordinate data among federal, state, tribal, and private fisheries agencies.
  • Provide customer service support to data users.
  • Upgrade database software and hardware as needed.
  • Maintain the CAX query system, including map-based query and other user-friendly interface for data access.
  • Work closely with state, tribal, and federal fisheries agencies to maintain data flow and resolve issues that arise.

This funding also facilitated StreamNet allocating a portion of its BPA funding to aid in the advancement of data-sharing capacity with the CAX from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. 

The CAP Core Team and CAP co-sponsors, PNAMP and StreamNet, develop proposals to fund CAP-related work, such as developing and flowing data for new Fish HLI data categories to be maintained in the CAX data system.

Below are summarized the EPA Exchange Network Grants award to advance CAP Fish HLIs.

HCAX 2020 EPA Exchange Network Grant

Title: Providing Access to Pacific Northwest EPA Region 10 Salmonid Hatchery Information for Regional Decision-Making Through the Hatchery Coordinated Assessments Exchange (Pacific Northwest HCAX)

Grant submitted: Washington – Recreation and Conservation Office

Partners: WDFW, Colville Tribes, PNAMP, and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

Project description: CAP’s second phase consists of implementing the HCAX, which is focused on hatchery indicators. The HCAX is a regional coordinated assessment system for collaboratively exchanging standardized hatchery HLIs to information for regional decision-making across Pacific Northwest jurisdictions. The HCAX supports more efficient data-sharing among partners of hatchery HLIs and related metrics, and it capitalizes on existing disparate, sub-regional data structures and the progress made by CAP. This proposal builds on work funded by a 2015 EPA Exchange Network grant award Salmon Coordinated Assessment Data Exchange project (CAX-SCADE #83546401, completed and closed) and on existing hatchery databases and efforts that contain data, but not HLIs, e.g., the Adult Fish Data Exchange  funded by an EPA Exchange Network grant project #83585601, now completed and closed, and the Fish INventory System  funded by others.

Project funding: $399,998 for the period 2020-2023

Products registered in RCS/ENDS/SSRC: Products will be posted at the end of the project in 2023.

CAX-SCADE 2013 EPA Exchange Network Grant

Title: Coordinated Assessment Data Exchange – CAX-SCADE project

Grant submitted: Washington – Department of Fish and Wildlife

Partners: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Project description: The EPA-funded Salmonid Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange (CAX) project improved the ability of partners to manage, exchange, access, and use these data in support of improved local and regional environmental management decisions. The CAX supports the exchange of three salmon and steelhead population indicators, including natural-origin spawner abundance, natural-origin smolt-to-adult return rate, and natural-origin recruits (adult and juvenile) per spawner.

Project funding: $498,167 for the period 2013-2015

Products registered in RCS/ENDS/SSRC: https://www.exchangenetwork.net/data-exchange/columbia-river-basin-coordinated-assessment/

Documents and Products Related to the Funding Sources

FileDescriptionFile Date
2023 StreamNet Annual Report to BPA for CY2023

StreamNet Annual Report to BPA for CY2023

2022 StreamNet Annual Report to BPA for CY2022

2022 StreamNet Annual Report to BPA for CY2022

2021 StreamNet Annual Report to BPA for CY2021

StreamNet annual report to Bonneville Power Administration for the calendar year 2021.

StreamNet Annual Report to BPA for CY2020

StreamNet annual report to Bonneville Power Administration for the calendar year 2020.

StreamNet 2019 Annual Report

This annual report summarizes the work performed during calendar year 2019, which spans fiscal years 2019 and 2020. StreamNet’s FY2019 (Oct 1 2018 – Sept 30 2019) budget was reduced as agreed to during the June 2018 StreamNet Executive Committee meeting to assist BPA in finding budget savings to address their FY19 budget concerns. This lower budget resulted in reduction of partners’ staff time allocated to StreamNet which affected delivery of data to the Coordinated Assessments Exchange (CAX), fish distribution data set, and response to in‐year user requests. Similarly, this budget reduction also resulted in reduction in PSMFC staff .

StreamNet 2018 Annual Report

During 2018 StreamNet continued to help lead implementation of the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project. Accomplishments included review and adoption of a revised 5 year plan for the project by the StreamNet Executive Committee (SNEC).  CA continued focus on the key indicators and metrics that have been identified as priorities for reporting progress on implementation of the Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion. At the end of 2015, BPA identified a need to gather as much data as possible for populations they determined were priorities, and efforts continued to be focused on these populations. In 2018 updates of prioritized standard data trends, such as those related to the CA project or feeding the NPCC dashboards, were also completed as partner agency time permitted. During 2018 BPA outlined a significant budget issue confronting the F&W program, and requested assistance in finding budget savings. To assist in this effort, cuts from the proposed FY 19 budget totaling $82,512.95 were proposed and accepted.

StreamNet 2017 Annual Report

During 2017 StreamNet continued to help lead implementation of the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project. Accomplishments included review and adoption of a revised 5 year Plan for the project by the StreamNet Executive Committee. This document prioritizes the work of collection of data from partners. CA continued focus on the key indicators and metrics that have been identified as priorities for reporting progress on implementation of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion
(BiOp). At the end of 2015, BPA identified a need to gather as much data as possible for populations they determined were priorities and efforts continued to be focused on these populations. In 2017 updates of prioritized standard data trends, such as those related to the CA project or feeding the NPCC dashboards were also completed as partner agency time permitted.

StreamNet 2016 Annual Report

During 2016 StreamNet continued to help lead implementation of the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project. Accomplishments included continued implementation of the 5 year Plan for the project by the StreamNet Executive Committee (http://www.streamnet.org/streamnet-executive-committee-adopts-5-year-plan-for-coordinated-assessments-project/), collection of data from partners on the first indicators, and continuing development of Data Exchange Standards (DES). In 2016 updates of certain prioritized standard data trends, such as those related to the CA project or feeding the NPCC dashboards were also completed as partner agency time permitted. CA focuses on the key indicators and metrics that have been identified as priorities for reporting progress on implementation of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp). At the end of 2015, BPA identified a need to gather as much data as possible for populations they determined were priorities, and efforts were begun to assist in this effort.

RperS table XML schema (CAX-SCADE)

Natural origin fish recruit per spawner (RperS) table XML schema for data exchange with the EPA Exchange Network.

SAR table XML schema (CAX-SCADE)

Natural origin fish smolt to adult return (SAR) table XML schema data exchange with the EPA Exchange Network.

NOSA table XML schema (CAX-SCADE)

Natural origin fish spawner abundance (NOSA) table XML schema for data exchange with the EPA Exchange Network.

Defined types for schema (CAX-SCADE)

General schema document for defined types used for data exchange with the EPA Exchange Network.

StreamNet 2015 Annual Report

During 2015 StreamNet continued to help lead implementation of the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project. Accomplishments included adoption of a 5 year Plan for the project by the StreamNet Executive Committee (http://www.streamnet.org/streamnet‐executive‐committee‐adopts‐5‐year‐plan‐for‐coordinated‐assessments‐project/), collection of data from partners on the first indicators, and continuing development of Data Exchange Standards (DES). In 2015 a decision was also made to resume updates of certain prioritized standard data trends, such as those related to the CA project or feeding the NPCC dashboards. CA focuses on the key indicators and metrics that have been identified as priorities for reporting progress on implementation of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp). At the end of 2015 BPA identified a need to gather as much data as possible for populations they determined were priorities, and efforts were begun to assist in this effort. During the year new funding was sought for the CA project; unfortunately, however, a second application for a new round of EPA funding was not approved.

StreamNet 2014 Annual Report

During 2014 StreamNet continued to help lead implementation of the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project. Accomplishments included completion of the initial pilot effort and development of Data Exchange Standards (DES). In 2014 updates to standard data types were again largely put on hold in order to focus on the CA project. However, the new SOW implemented October 1, 2014 anticipates some updates to standard data if the CA project remains on track. CA focuses on the key indicators and metrics that have been identified as priorities for reporting progress on implementation of the FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp). During the year new funding was sought for the CA project; a $500,000 grant from the EPA to StreamNet subcontractor WDFW was received in 2014, and a second application for a new round of EPA funding was also submitted.

SCADE CAX Final Report for 2013-2015, EPA Exchange Network Grant

This is the final report for the EPA funded Salmonid Coordinated Assessments Data Exchange (CAX) project. the Salmon CAX project  improved the ability of partners to manage, exchange, access and use these data in support of improved local and regional environmental management decisions.  While this report summarizes the accomplishments achieved under that grant, the CA project will continue through multiple funding sources. This SCADE CAX Final Report covers tasks performed under the EPA Exchange Network Grant between 2013 and 2015 (URLs updated 2021).

StreamNet 2013 Annual Report

During 2013 StreamNet helped to lead implementation of the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project. Accomplishments included completion of the initial pilot effort and development of Data Exchange Standards (DES). In 2013 updates to standard data types were largely put on hold in order to focus on the CA project, which focuses on the key indicators and metrics that have been identified as priorities for reporting progress on implementation of the FCRPS Biological Opinion (BiOp). During the year new funding was sought for the CA project, and at the close of 2013 a $500,000 grant from the EPA to StreamNet subcontractor WDFW was imminent.

2014 CAX Flow Configuration Document V1.0 (CAX-SCADE)

Description of the data flow configuration from source agencies and tribes to the CAX and EPA Exchange node. This flow configuration document was developed as part of the 2013-2015 EPA Exchange Network grant.

StreamNet Annual Report FY-2012

Report covers work performed under BPA contract #(s) 54765 for the extended 15-month Fy-12 contract: 10/1/2011 – 12/31/2012. During the normal 12 month fiscal year the project continued to update the traditional data types and participate in a number of regional scale programs and forums to support data sharing. During the year the project also underwent two external reviews by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, the Data Management Category Review and the Project Evaluation and Review Committee. Both reviews recommended continuation of the project but with a few adjustments. The project also received significant input from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), including budget changes and revised data priorities.

StreamNet Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report

During Fiscal year 2011 (FY-11) the StreamNet project continued to shift emphasis toward providing greater support for Columbia Basin scale reporting of higher level derived data to track progress toward FCRPS Biological Opinion and ESA recovery objectives. Direction for this shift came from the project’s participation in the Coordinated Assessments (CA) project (http://www.pnamp.org/project/3129), which is a collaborative effort among the basin’s state and tribal fisheries managers and regional scale entities to develop a coordinated approach to monitoring and sharing the resulting data. The effort was led by the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) and the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA), with StreamNet as the third member of the planning team’s “core group”.  Activities related to the CA project revolved around planning the project, defining the specific data elements to be shared, evaluating agency capacity for sharing the specific data elements, evaluating internal data flow pathways in the data source agencies, and assisting the agencies with identifying gaps and needs related to sharing these data routinely and developing strategies for doing so in the future. StreamNet hired a temporary staff of ten data specialists to conduct this work.

StreamNet Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Report

Fiscal year 2010 represented a change in focus for the StreamNet Project, including both segments of the project under Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) and Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). In addition to the routine updating of the previously existing data types, providing data to the CBFWA Status of the Resource (SOTR) report, computer and website maintenance, and operation of the StreamNet Library, the project began shifting emphasis to regional scale reporting. Significant effort was directed to assisting regional efforts led by CBFWA, PNAMP and BPA in locating and organizing data to support reporting of high-level Indicators to track progress of populations toward recovery and responses to actions under the Columbia Basin Biological Opinion (BiOp). Project representatives at both the Regional level in PSMFC and the other project participants worked to support planning of the Coordinated Assessments being led by CBFWA and PNAMP, development of the initial draft Data Exchange Template (DET) for three pilot Indicators that support VSP, and conduct of an initial test of the draft DET for three populations of listed anadromous salmonids.

StreamNet Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report

Primary accomplishments for the StreamNet Project during Fiscal Year 2009 (FY-09) include routine update of the data in the StreamNet database, documentation of data sources in the StreamNet Library, maintenance of project data systems, assistance to regional data efforts, redesign of the project website, and reorganization of the project. The project successfully reorganized to operate under two separate contracts.  The flow of specific data to the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority for the Status of the Resource (SOTR) report remained a primary objective this year. StreamNet’s partner projects in the fish and wildlife agencies made data updates for SOTR a priority, and the regional StreamNet office at Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) instituted an XML based web service designed to provide needed data directly to CBFWA. Efforts to develop internal database systems within the partner agencies continued.

StreamNet Project Annual Report Fiscal Year 2008

Fiscal Year 2008 (FY-08) represents a transitional year for the StreamNet project. While the project continued to acquire/update, standardize, georeference and disseminate fish-related data for the state, some tribal and one federal fisheries agencies, it also took on several new initiatives and is anticipating new regional guidance on data needs. Passage of the Columbia Basin Accords caused an administrative change within the project, separating the work done by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) out to a separate contract with BPA. This will change the structure of the StreamNet contract but not change the relationship with the StreamNet Library or data developed by CRITFC. Data development emphasis was shifted this year to place highest priority on data that support indicators of fish abundance for the focal species covered in the Status of the Resource (SOTR) report, as requested by the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Data Management Framework Subcommittee. We instituted an XML based web service allowing direct access to data from the project database for CBFWA to update the SOTR report. The project also increased efforts to work with tribal fisheries managers to provide data related assistance and to include tribal data in the StreamNet database.

StreamNet Project Fiscal Year 2007 Annual Report

This report describes work accomplished by the StreamNet Project, Project No. 198810804, during Fiscal Year 2007 (FY-07) from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007. Details about the work done to accomplish the Milestones are summarized and reported at the Work Element Title level. The Work Element Titles and Milestones are described in the revised 2007 Work Statement, available at https://app.streamnet.org/ftpfiles/projman_files/Revised%202007%20StreamNet%20Work%20Statement.pdf. Work priorities for FY-07 included maintaining and updating existing long term data sets, managing the infrastructure necessary to maintain and deliver data, maintaining the StreamNet Library, providing data services to regional entities associated with the Fish and Wildlife Program, and project administration. Additional focus this year was placed on an attempt to develop long term data priorities and promotion of the value of agency wide consolidated databases within the data source agencies

StreamNet Project Fiscal Year 2006 Annual Report

The work detailed in this report is tied to the specific work elements and milestones contained in the FY-06 Statement of Work, available at http://www.streamnet.org/about-sn/project_management.html. Work priorities for FY-06 included maintaining and updating existing long term data sets, managing the infrastructure necessary to maintain and deliver data, maintaining the StreamNet Library, providing data services to regional entities associated with the Fish and Wildlife Program, and project administration. An additional focus this year was long range planning for the project and an attempt to develop long term data priorities.

StreamNet Northwest Aquatic Information Network Annual Report 2004-2005

StreamNet is a cooperative data compilation, development, and distribution project involving the state, tribal and federal fish and wildlife agencies in the Columbia River basin. The project focuses primarily on fish related data generated by the fish management agencies in the Columbia Basin. It is funded by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) through the Fish and Wildlife Program (FWP) of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC), and is administered by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC). The project is organized to perform three broad functions: agency support, regional support, and reference support.  Currently available data types include: • Fish distribution • 1:100,000 scale (100K) routed hydrography (GIS streams layer) • Adult abundance in the wild (redd counts, peak spawner counts, dam counts, etc.) • Hatchery releases (currently being revised) • Hatchery returns • Dams and fish passage facilities • Hatchery facilities • Harvest • NPCC Protected Areas • Smolt density model data • Independent data sets (searchable data archive) • Genetics (primarily for trout in Montana). The project is also working on other data that could be provided regionally if support is obtained, including: habitat restoration / improvement projects, barriers and screened diversions, juvenile abundance and outmigration, age, production factors and run reconstruction, and habitat.

StreamNet Northwest Aquatic Information Network Annual Report 2003-2004

This report summarizes StreamNet Project activities during fiscal year 2004 (FY-04). Detailed descriptions of accomplishments by individual objective and task are provided in the Project’s quarterly progress reports, available on the reports and publications page of the StreamNet web site at www.streamnet.org/about-sn/project_management.html.  The project is organized to perform three broad functions: agency support, regional support and reference support.  Currently available data types include: • Fish distribution • 1:100,000 scale (100K) routed hydrography (GIS streams layer) • Adult abundance in the wild (redd counts, peak spawner counts, dam counts, etc.) • Hatchery releases (currently being revised) • Hatchery returns • Dams and fish passage facilities • Hatchery facilities • Harvest • NPCC Protected Areas • Smolt density model data • Independent data sets • Genetics (primarily for trout in Montana). The project is also working on other data that could be provided regionally if support is obtained, including: habitat restoration / improvement projects, barriers and screened diversions, juvenile abundance and outmigration, age, production factors and run reconstruction, and habitat.

StreamNet Northwest Aquatic Information Network Annual Report 2002

This report presents accomplishments of the StreamNet project for Fiscal Year 2002 (FY-02). A summary of significant activities and accomplishments is presented in the Introduction section as an executive summary, and more detailed discussion of activities is presented by individual task in the body of the report. Individual jobs for each objective and task can be found in the StreamNet 2002 Work Statement and detailed accomplishments are documented in the quarterly reports, all of which can be obtained at http://www.streamnet.org/about-sn/project_management.html.  Overall project administration is provided by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), and in this report the central project conducted by PSMFC is referred to as the ‘Region’. Approximately 1/4 of project resources were expended by the Regional component of the StreamNet project for maintaining and managing the regional data and database systems, developing and maintaining the data delivery system, and overall project administration. Cooperating projects expended the remainder and consist of project-funded staff in the Columbia River Intertribal Fisheries Commission (CRITFC), Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

StreamNet Northwest Aquatic Information Network Annual Report 2001

This report presents accomplishments of the StreamNet project for Fiscal Year 2001 (FY-01). The report is organized by Task, rather than by participating agency, to clearly link accomplishments by all project participants to the individual Tasks and responsibilities detailed in the FY-01 Statement of Work (http://www.streamnet.org/about-sn/project_management.html). A primary focus of the project in the previous year (FY-00) was conversion of most data in the StreamNet database to utilize the Longitude Latitude Identification (LLID) system for tying data to the 1:100,000 scale hydrography layer. Specific accomplishments are described in the four Quarterly Reports (http://www.streamnet.org/about-sn/project_management.html) for FY-01 and as summarized in the body of this report. A significant change in participation occurred in FY-01. The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes (SBT) dropped out of the project after having been a participant for many years. This change represented a response to increased workloads rather than a lack of interest in the project.

StreamNet FY 2000 Annual Report to BPA

FY 2000 Annual Report for the StreamNet Project (BPA Project Number 1988-10-804) for the time period between October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000. StreamNet is a cooperative effort composed of a region-wide project that is responsible for project management, regional data management and data delivery (Region), plus seven contributing projects within the data generating entities: Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission (CRITFC); Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG); Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP); Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW); Shoshone-Bannock Tribes; U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS); and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). The StreamNet Project provides an important link in the chain of data flow in the Columbia Basin, by acquiring the data sets and converting the data from all agencies into the standardized DEF. Where field methodologies differ to the degree that the data can not be made comparable, the data are presented as different data types. This way, data are converted only once and made available for research, management and administrative purposes instead of forcing each person needing basin wide data to attempt data standardization individually.

StreamNet FY 1999 Annual Progress Report

This document constitutes the 1999 federal fiscal year (October 1, 1998 – September 30, 1999) annual report of activities by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s (IDFG) StreamNet program. Project accomplishments are described relative to objectives applied to IDFG from the StreamNet Fiscal Year 1999 Statement of Work and the Fiscal Year 1999 Supplemental Statement of Work. StreamNet’s purpose is to compile, manage and distribute electronic data on the fish and, secondarily, wildlife resources in the Pacific Northwest.

StreamNet the Northwest Aquatic Resource Information Network Report on the Status of Salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin for 1995

The goal is to bring many diverse data types and sources into a single comprehensive report on the status of anadromous fish runs in the Columbia River Basin and the environmental conditions that may affect that status. Brief summaries are provided to identify the type and scope of available information. This synopsis is intended to complement other more detailed reports to which readers are referred for comprehensive treatment of specific subjects. This first report focuses mainly on anadromous salmon and steelhead (primarily through 1994) but we intend to expand the scope of future issues to include resident species.  This report is a product of the project which is funded by the Bonneville Power Administration U.S. Department of Energy, as part of program to protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife affected by the development and operation of hydroelectric facilities on the Columbia River and its tributaries. The project is called for in the Fish and Wildlife Program Northwest Power Planning Council.