Data and metadata are packaged below in ArcGIS file geodatabase format for use with desktop GIS software. Please note that some of these files are very large.

Please review the metadata provided and cite the appropriate sources when using these data. Metadata associated with files maintained by StreamNet are accessible by clicking the title.

Please be aware that the regionally standardized data sets available below may differ in format and attribute detail from similar data products available directly from StreamNet partners. For this reason we recommend that users also consult our Partners’ Resources.

Contact us with your questions or concerns, particularly when using these data in an analysis or assessment. If you experience difficulty downloading a file, please contact us so we can help you get the file you need.


 Title column: hyperlinks provide access to PDF files that provide additional details on that data layer.

Download column: hyperlinks will open up a new tab in your web browser and a form requesting your email address, name, and company to access the file. Your information will be used for internal tracking purposes only. It will not be shared with third parties.