Current Hatchery Stocks and Programs
The Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) currently exchanges High Level Indicator (HLI) estimates for the hatchery origin salmon and steelhead species, populations, and stocks, and hatchery programs listed below.
Coordinated Assessments data also contains HLI estimates for superpopulations, which are estimates representing multiple populations. These superpopulations are not shown in the list below, but they are in the downloadable spreadsheet.
Some of the stocks are part of Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings and have identifying information as defined in the Federal Register Notices. NOAA Fisheries, or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is the regulatory agency for anadromous fishes listed under the ESA. CAP and StreamNet endeavor to display information consistent to listing, per NOAA Fisheries. For non-listed populations, please see the Fish Management Unit Boundaries and Attributes information on the Standards and Processes page.
Coordinated Assessments Hatchery Origin High Level Indicator Data Exchange Standards (HCA) use the following information to consistently identify hatchery programs, facilities, and stocks.
Under construction.