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To communicate the data available on the CAP Fish HLI and related time-series trend data from the Fish Monitoring Trends queries, we provide a CAX Status interactive tool. Additionally, further down this page, a table summarizes the general timeframes when data are typically submitted to the CAP Fish HLI and Fish Monitoring Trends systems.

CAX Status Interactive Tool

To inform data consumers about the coverage of data available in the CAP Fish HLI, Bonneville Power Administration funded the development of the CAX Status that summarizes the data available for a given species, ESU/DPS, and Population.

For the best user experience we recommend that you interact with the CAX Status tool on the full page view https://salmonetics.shinyapps.io/CAXStat/

Select an option from one of the drop down boxes to start displaying data status summary information.

Data Updates Estimated Date Ranges

The estimated date ranges provided here are general times of the year when updates are routinely available and sent to StreamNet by the data providers. If you have questions about current updates that are not yet available, please contact the StreamNet data steward for the agency that provides the data. Data update estimates were voluntarily provided by data stewards that had time available to develop them. This information will be updated if other date estimates are provided or date estimates are modified.

The column headings in the below table refer to:

Agency: Abbreviation for entity submitting data updates 

DataSet: Name of the data repository within StreamNet

Data Category: data type descriptor

Species and Run: data updates by species and run of fish

Compiled by:  Entity compiling the data updates.

Target Date Range: General estimate of when new data will be submitted to StreamNet

AgencyData SetData CategorySpeciesRunCompiled ByTarget Date RangeNotes
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Juvenile OutmigrantsChinookSpring/SummerIDFGSummerMARTRP retired 2022
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Juvenile OutmigrantsSteelheadSummerIDFGSummerMARTRP retired 2022
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSAChinookSpring/SummerIDFGSpring 
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSASockeyeSummerIDFGSpring 
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSASteelheadSummerIDFGSpring 
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)RperSChinookSpring/SummerIDFGWinter 
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)RperSSockeyeSummerIDFGWinter 
IDFGCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)RperSSteelheadSummerIDFGWinter 
IDFGFishMonitoringDam/Weir CountsChinookSpring/SummerIDFGFall 
IDFGFishMonitoringDam/Weir CountsSockeyeSummerIDFGFall 
IDFGFishMonitoringDam/Weir CountsSteelheadSummerIDFGSummer 
IDFGFishMonitoringFreshwater HarvestChinookSpring/SummerIDFGOpportunisticData flow in development
IDFGFishMonitoringHatchery ReturnsChinookSpring/SummerIDFGFall 
IDFGFishMonitoringHatchery ReturnsSockeyeSummerIDFGWinter 
IDFGFishMonitoringHatchery ReturnsSteelheadSummerIDFGSummer 
IDFGFishMonitoringRedd CountsChinookSpring/SummerIDFGWinter 
IDFGFishMonitoringRedd CountsSockeyeSummerIDFGWinter 
IDFGFishMonitoringRedd CountsSteelheadSummerIDFGNot availableSteelhead redd counts discontinued in 1998
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Juvenile OutmigrantsChinookSpringODFWFallSnake River ESU (4 populations)
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Juvenile OutmigrantsCohoFallODFWOpportunistic onlyOregon Coast ESU (portion only)
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Juvenile OutmigrantsSteelheadSummerODFWFallMFJDR, SFJDR, JDUM, Umatilla River
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Juvenile OutmigrantsSteelheadWinterODFWWinterFifteenmile Creek
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSAChinookSpring*ODFWFallSnake River ESU, John Day Basin
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSAChinookSpring, FallODFWSpringLower Columbia ESU, Upper Willamette ESU
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSACohoFall, Early & LateODFWSummerLower Columbia ESU, Oregon Coast ESU
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSASteelheadSummerODFWFallMiddle Fork John Day, North Fork John Day
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)NOSASteelheadWinterODFWFallLower Columbia DPS – Hood River not currently funded
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Presmolt AbundanceChinookSpringODFWFallSnake River ESU (4 populations)
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)Presmolt AbundanceCohoFall, Early & LateODFWSpringLower Columbia ESU, Oregon Coast ESU
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)RperSChinookSpring*ODFWFallSnake River ESU, John Day Basin
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)RperSCohoFallODFWSpringOregon Coast ESU
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)RperSSteelheadSummerODFWFallMiddle Fork John Day
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)SARChinookSpringODFWFallSnake River ESU
ODFWCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)SARCohoFallODFWOpportunistic onlyOregon Coast ESU (portion only)
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Dam/Weir CountsChinookSpring, FallODFWSpringIncludes Spring/summer Chinook.
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Dam/Weir CountsCohoFall, Early & LateODFWSpringVariable based on run timing, generally updated as available.
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Dam/Weir CountsSteelheadSummer, WinterODFWSpringVariable based on run timing, generally updated as available.
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Fish Abundance Est.ChinookSpringODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Fish Abundance Est.SteelheadSummerODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Fish CountsChinookSpring*ODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Fish CountsSteelheadSummerODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Redd CountsChinookSpring*, FallODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Redd CountsSteelheadSummerODFWFall 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Spawner Abundance Est.ChinookFallODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Spawner CountsChinookSpring*, FallODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Spawner CountsChumFallODFWSpring 
ODFWFish Monitoring Data (trends)Spawner CountsCohoFall, Early & LateODFWSpring 
PSMFCCoordinated Assessments (natural origin)SARChinookAllFPC/StreatmNetWinterStreamNet staff add populations and convert FPC SARs to CA format.