BPA MBACI Protocol for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Off-Channel Habitat / Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0
BPA MBACI Protocol for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Off-Channel Habitat / Floodplain Enhancement Projects Plus CHaMP 2014 Methods v1.0
This protocol combines the methods from the AEM MBACI Protocol for effectiveness of off-channel habitat/floodplain enhancement (ID: 1880) with the methods from the CHaMP 2014 Protocol (ID: 2020)
Floodplain restoration has been shown to be an effective technique for increasing rearing habitat for Chinook salmon and other species (Sommer et al. 2005). Fish that rear in floodplains have shown significant increases in growth compared to those rearing in mainstem habitats, likely due to favorable velocities, temperatures, and available food resources (Sommer et al. 2001, Sommer et al. 2005, Urabe et al. 2010). Riverine species benefit from having access to floodplains for rearing and spawning and as refuge from high velocities (Jeffres et al. 2008). New floodplain channels were associated with higher numbers of juvenile coho, cutthroat, and steelhead (Solazzi et al. 2000 as cited in Pess et al. 2005), and groundwater fed channels have supported increased numbers of chum, coho, pink, and sockeye salmon (Hall et al. 2000 as cited in Pess et al. 2005).
Common techniques for floodplain restoration and enhancement include levee removal or setback, reconnection of side-channels and floodplain channels, and creation of new floodplain channels. These types of projects are targeted at increasing off-channel habitat and floodplain connection with mainstem channels, and range in size and scale from smaller side channel projects to floodplain reconnection and levee removal projects that are several miles long. Techniques to reconnect floodplains are still in development (Cowx and Welcomme 1998 as cited in Pess et al. 2005, Pess et al. 2005) and additional study on the effectiveness of this project type is warranted.
This document details the monitoring design, procedures, and quality assurance steps necessary to document and report the effectiveness of Floodplain Enhancement Projects at the project site scale. This supports the Bonneville Power Administration’s (BPA) programmatic approach to project level Action Effectiveness Monitoring (AEM), as documented in “Action Effectiveness Monitoring of Tributary Habitat Improvement: A programmatic approach for the BPA Fish and Wildlife Program.” This is based on the Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) protocol,–“Monitoring Effectiveness of Floodplain Enhancement Projects” (ID: 38) (; and also draws heavily from the Scientific Protocol for Habitat Surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) (ID:806) (; however, variations in the monitoring design and metrics collected required modification of the protocol.
Questions to be answered:
- Has the total habitat area, quantity of slow water habitat, and complexity of habitat increased as a result of the project?
- Has flood capacity increased?
- What is the level of water connection by season as intended by the project design? (e.g. designed to be connected at high water only, or also during low flows)
- What habitats are connected during each season?
- Have channel dynamics increased?
- Have juvenile salmon and steelhead numbers increased following restoration? What is the presence and relative abundance of fish species and life stages by habitat type and season? How does fish use relate to limiting factors for given populations?
- Has abundance, diversity and ecological integrity of benthic invertebrates changed? Does benthic invertebrate species composition indicate other ecological problems not addressed by the project?
Spatial Design
Data Collection Methodology
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Multi-habitat Method v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0
- Channel Segment Number v2.0
- Channel Unit Classification v2.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Electrofishing v1.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Snorkeling v1.0
- Measuring channel constraints v1.0
- Measuring Individual Large Woody Pieces v1.0
- Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0
- Particle Size Distribution and Particle Embeddedness v3.0
- Site Layout v2.0
- Site Photos v2.0
- Stream Discharge v1.0
- Topographic Point Collection v2.0
Data Analysis Methodology
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Taxa richness metrics v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data v1.0
- Area of Inundation of Off-Channel Habitat Predicted at Various Flows v1.0
- Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate PREDictive Assessment Tool For Oregon v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Production by Habitat Type v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Hilsenhoff Biotic Index v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Electrofishing v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Snorkeling v1.0
- Calculating Macroinvertebrate Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) v1.0
- Calculation of Braid/Channel Ratio v1.0
- Calculation of River Complexity Index (Brown 2002) v1.0
- Calculation of variation in thalweg profile and channel width v1.0
- Channel Migration Rate v1.0
- Constraining Feature Type v1.0
- D16, D50, and D84 Particle Size in Riffles Calculation v2.0
- Estimating Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biomass using Length-Mass Relationships v1.0
- Fastwater Cobble Embeddedness Calculations v1.0
- Fish Counts by Channel Unit Type and by Life Stage, By Species v1.0
- Fish Density by Channel Unit and Species v1.0
- Hydraulic modeling for analysis of floodplain habitat v1.0
- Large Wood Frequency v1.0
- Large Wood Volume Calculation v1.0
- Large Woody Debris Counts v1.0
- Log10 Volume of LWD v1.0
- Percent Constrained v1.0
- Pool/Riffle Ratio v1.0
- Proportion of Edge Water Habitat at Various Flows v1.0
- Ratio Inundated Floodplain Area to Channel Length v1.0
- Ratio of Floodplain Area to Channel Area v1.0
- RBT – Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
- Site Discharge Calculation v1.0
- Substrate Composition Calculations (Boulder, Cobbles, Gravel, Sand and Fines) v1.0
- Summary statistics for Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0
- Valley Width v1.0
Spatial Design
Data Collection Methodology
- Air Temperature Sensor Installation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Multi-habitat Method v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0
- Channel Class v1.0
- Channel Segment Number v2.0
- Channel Unit Classification v2.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Electrofishing v1.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Snorkeling v1.0
- Fish Cover Elements v2.0
- Locating the Site v2.0
- Macroinvertebrate Drift v2.0
- Measuring channel constraints v1.0
- Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0
- Particle Size Distribution and Particle Embeddedness v3.0
- Pool Tail Fines Grid v1.0
- Riparian Structure v2.0
- Setting Up Topographic Survey v1.0
- Site Layout v2.0
- Site Map v1.0
- Site Photos v2.0
- Site Revisit v1.0
- Solar Input v2.0
- Stream Discharge v1.0
- Tally Large Woody Debris v3.0
- Topographic Point Collection v2.0
- Undercut Banks v2.0
- Water Chemistry – Conductivity and Alkalinity v1.0
- Water Temperature Probe Installation v1.0
Data Analysis Methodology
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Multimetric Index or Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Taxa richness metrics v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data v1.0
- Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate PREDictive Assessment Tool For Oregon v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Hilsenhoff Biotic Index v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Electrofishing v1.0
- Calculation of Braid/Channel Ratio v1.0
- Calculation of River Complexity Index (Brown 2002) v1.0
- Calculation of variation in thalweg profile and channel width v1.0
- Channel Migration Rate v1.0
- Hydraulic modeling for analysis of floodplain habitat v1.0
- Pool/Riffle Ratio v1.0
- Proportion of Edge Water Habitat at Various Flows v1.0
- Ratio of Floodplain Area to Channel Area v1.0
- RBT – Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
- Summary statistics for Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0
Spatial Design
Data Collection Methodology
- Air Temperature Sensor Installation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Multi-habitat Method v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0
- Channel Class v1.0
- Channel Segment Number v2.0
- Channel Unit Classification v2.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Electrofishing v1.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Snorkeling v1.0
- Fish Cover Elements v2.0
- Locating the Site v2.0
- Macroinvertebrate Drift v2.0
- Measuring channel constraints v1.0
- Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0
- Particle Size Distribution and Particle Embeddedness v3.0
- Pool Tail Fines Grid v1.0
- Riparian Structure v2.0
- Setting Up Topographic Survey v1.0
- Site Layout v2.0
- Site Map v1.0
- Site Photos v2.0
- Site Revisit v1.0
- Solar Input v2.0
- Stream Discharge v1.0
- Tally Large Woody Debris v3.0
- Topographic Point Collection v2.0
- Undercut Banks v2.0
- Water Chemistry – Conductivity and Alkalinity v1.0
- Water Temperature Probe Installation v1.0
Data Analysis Methodology
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Multimetric Index or Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Taxa richness metrics v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data v1.0
- Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate PREDictive Assessment Tool For Oregon v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Hilsenhoff Biotic Index v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Electrofishing v1.0
- Calculation of Braid/Channel Ratio v1.0
- Calculation of River Complexity Index (Brown 2002) v1.0
- Calculation of variation in thalweg profile and channel width v1.0
- Channel Migration Rate v1.0
- Hydraulic modeling for analysis of floodplain habitat v1.0
- Pool/Riffle Ratio v1.0
- Proportion of Edge Water Habitat at Various Flows v1.0
- Ratio of Floodplain Area to Channel Area v1.0
- RBT – Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
- Summary statistics for Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0
Spatial Design
Data Collection Methodology
- Air Temperature Sensor Installation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Multi-habitat Method v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0
- Channel Class v1.0
- Channel Segment Number v2.0
- Channel Unit Classification v2.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Electrofishing v1.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Snorkeling v1.0
- Fish Cover Elements v2.0
- Locating the Site v2.0
- Macroinvertebrate Drift v2.0
- Measuring channel constraints v1.0
- Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0
- Particle Size Distribution and Particle Embeddedness v3.0
- Pool Tail Fines Grid v1.0
- Riparian Structure v2.0
- Setting Up Topographic Survey v1.0
- Site Layout v2.0
- Site Map v1.0
- Site Photos v2.0
- Site Revisit v1.0
- Solar Input v2.0
- Stream Discharge v1.0
- Tally Large Woody Debris v3.0
- Topographic Point Collection v2.0
- Undercut Banks v2.0
- Water Chemistry – Conductivity and Alkalinity v1.0
- Water Temperature Probe Installation v1.0
Data Analysis Methodology
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Multimetric Index or Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Taxa richness metrics v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data v1.0
- Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate PREDictive Assessment Tool For Oregon v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Hilsenhoff Biotic Index v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Electrofishing v1.0
- Calculation of Braid/Channel Ratio v1.0
- Calculation of River Complexity Index (Brown 2002) v1.0
- Calculation of variation in thalweg profile and channel width v1.0
- Channel Migration Rate v1.0
- Hydraulic modeling for analysis of floodplain habitat v1.0
- Pool/Riffle Ratio v1.0
- Proportion of Edge Water Habitat at Various Flows v1.0
- Ratio of Floodplain Area to Channel Area v1.0
- RBT – Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
- Summary statistics for Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0
Spatial Design
Data Collection Methodology
- Air Temperature Sensor Installation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Multi-habitat Method v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0
- Channel Class v1.0
- Channel Segment Number v2.0
- Channel Unit Classification v2.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Electrofishing v1.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Snorkeling v1.0
- Fish Cover Elements v2.0
- Locating the Site v2.0
- Macroinvertebrate Drift v2.0
- Measuring channel constraints v1.0
- Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0
- Particle Size Distribution and Particle Embeddedness v3.0
- Pool Tail Fines Grid v1.0
- Riparian Structure v2.0
- Setting Up Topographic Survey v1.0
- Site Layout v2.0
- Site Map v1.0
- Site Photos v2.0
- Site Revisit v1.0
- Solar Input v2.0
- Stream Discharge v1.0
- Tally Large Woody Debris v3.0
- Topographic Point Collection v2.0
- Undercut Banks v2.0
- Water Chemistry – Conductivity and Alkalinity v1.0
- Water Temperature Probe Installation v1.0
Data Analysis Methodology
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Multimetric Index or Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Taxa richness metrics v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data v1.0
- Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate PREDictive Assessment Tool For Oregon v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Hilsenhoff Biotic Index v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Electrofishing v1.0
- Calculation of Braid/Channel Ratio v1.0
- Calculation of River Complexity Index (Brown 2002) v1.0
- Calculation of variation in thalweg profile and channel width v1.0
- Channel Migration Rate v1.0
- Hydraulic modeling for analysis of floodplain habitat v1.0
- Pool/Riffle Ratio v1.0
- Proportion of Edge Water Habitat at Various Flows v1.0
- Ratio of Floodplain Area to Channel Area v1.0
- RBT – Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
- Summary statistics for Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0
Spatial Design
Data Collection Methodology
- Air Temperature Sensor Installation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Multi-habitat Method v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0
- Channel Class v1.0
- Channel Segment Number v2.0
- Channel Unit Classification v2.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Electrofishing v1.0
- Estimating Instream Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Using Snorkeling v1.0
- Fish Cover Elements v2.0
- Locating the Site v2.0
- Macroinvertebrate Drift v2.0
- Measuring channel constraints v1.0
- Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0
- Particle Size Distribution and Particle Embeddedness v3.0
- Pool Tail Fines Grid v1.0
- Riparian Structure v2.0
- Setting Up Topographic Survey v1.0
- Site Layout v2.0
- Site Map v1.0
- Site Photos v2.0
- Site Revisit v1.0
- Solar Input v2.0
- Stream Discharge v1.0
- Tally Large Woody Debris v3.0
- Topographic Point Collection v2.0
- Undercut Banks v2.0
- Water Chemistry – Conductivity and Alkalinity v1.0
- Water Temperature Probe Installation v1.0
Data Analysis Methodology
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Multimetric Index or Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data- Taxa richness metrics v1.0
- Analysis Methods for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data v1.0
- Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate PREDictive Assessment Tool For Oregon v1.0
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates – Hilsenhoff Biotic Index v1.0
- Calculating Juvenile Salmonid Density from Electrofishing v1.0
- Calculation of Braid/Channel Ratio v1.0
- Calculation of River Complexity Index (Brown 2002) v1.0
- Calculation of variation in thalweg profile and channel width v1.0
- Channel Migration Rate v1.0
- Hydraulic modeling for analysis of floodplain habitat v1.0
- Pool/Riffle Ratio v1.0
- Proportion of Edge Water Habitat at Various Flows v1.0
- Ratio of Floodplain Area to Channel Area v1.0
- RBT – Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Channel Unit Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0
- RBT – Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0
- Summary statistics for Floodplain Enhancement Projects v1.0