StreamNet provides access to the 2001-2004 subbasin planning information in support of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (FW-Program).

NPCC led the 2001-2004 effort to develop comprehensive subbasin plans throughout the Columbia River Basin. During this effort, StreamNet both provided data to support subbasin planning and also received and distributed compilations of the data used in the plans. StreamNet provides access to the subbasin planning information, including spreadsheets, maps, GIS layers, subbasin planning modeling input and results, tools, and databases developed for subbasin planning.


At the beginning of the 2001-2004 subbasin planning effort, StreamNet created spreadsheets of pre-existing data for each subbasin, GIS layers, and maps. These spreadsheets, originally done in 2001, were last updated in February 2003. After the plans were completed, StreamNet, the Technical Outreach and Assistance to Subbasins Team (TOAST), the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), and the Northwest Habitat Institute captured new data that were developed for use in the aquatic portion of each subbasin plan. The information compiled at the end of the subbasin planning effort included spreadsheets, maps, GIS layers, subbasin planning modeling input and results, tools, and databases developed for subbasin planning. The information also included a large majority of the Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment (EDT) model for anadromous species or the Qualitative Habitat Assessment (QHA) model for resident species information, including GIS layers that define the EDT/QHA reach codes, used during the subbasin planning effort.

2001-2004 Data

Before using the data provided below, review the README file for a summary of available data, a description of the StreamNet Data Types included in the StreamNet spreadsheets, and a Watersheds Modeled Spreadsheet detailing the modeling products available for each subbasin.

StreamNet Data and Other Archived Data Sets

Each subbasin spreadsheet contains 16 separate pages, including introductory explanations, data of many types, and a table of literature relevant to the subbasin. Not all data types are available for every subbasin. For a quick overview of the types of StreamNet data available for each subbasin, download the data inventory by subbasin spreadsheet.

Products Prepared by TOAST/CRITFC

Data available for a subbasin can vary because planners were given a choice of models and not all used EDT or QHA. Also, some data were not available from the subbasin planning process when this archive was created. In addition to subbasin-specific products, TOAST/CRITFC also constructed databases of fish populations from the EDT information provided by Mobrand Biometrics, Inc.

Northwest Habitat Institute

Northwest Habitat Institute collected from subbasin planners wildlife data, upland habitat data, and GIS layers used to produce maps for the plans. It appears they may no longer provide this information; contact Northwest Habitat Institute (now called The Habitat Institute) for further information.

Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library

The Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library provides access to digital copies of the documents from the 1990 subbasin planning effort (not adopted by NPCC) and the latest subbasin planning effort initiated in 2004. The subbasin plans from the 2004 effort were adopted into the NPCC Columbia Basin F-W Program. Subsequently, the Bitterroot subbasin plan was adopted in 2010, and the Blackfoot subbasin plan was adopted in 2011.

Subbasin Planning EDT Data

Subbasin Planning Data

Data are presented by subbasin. Select a subbasin from the list below or the subbasin map. Materials provided to subbasin planners are found under “StreamNet_Info”, while materials produced during or after subbasin planning are found under “SubPlanning_Info.” In addition to the subbasin-specific data sets, several basin-wide datasets are also available:

  • Master spreadsheet created June 25, 2001, contains data for all subbasins combined.
  • Master spreadsheet – updated February 8, 2003, contains data for all subbasins combined.
  • Water temperature data contains compilation of water temperature information across the Basin.
  • Protected Areas contains waters protected from further hydropower development by NPCC.
  • Smolt Density Model – In response to a need for Columbia Basin-wide evaluation of anadromous production potential during the NPCC’s 1990 Subbasin Planning Process, two work groups—the System Planning Group and the Monitoring and Evaluation Group—developed the Smolt Density Model (SDM). The primary output of this model was an estimate of smolt carrying capacity by subbasin and stock that was used in the Council’s System Planning Model (SPM). The SPM was a life cycle model used to predict effects on salmon and steelhead due to various strategies proposed by the planners. This model also provided an updated distribution data set, along with a subjective habitat rating by species and run. Complete SDM documentation is available in PDF format here.

Tools for Viewing Subbasin Planning Data

ArcGIS Explorer  Instructions and executables for installing this free software published by ESRI. ArcGIS Explorer can be used to view the GIS data presented here for all Oregon subbasins.

Fish Model Tools  Instructions and Microsoft Access database “templates” that can be downloaded for viewing EDT Stream Reach Editor data and reports, and TOAST’s version of an unpopulated QHA spreadsheet tool.

TerraServer  Instructions on how to use the TerraServer Map Service with GIS software to view USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps in combination with subbasin data.

Planning Data by Subbasin, Organized by Columbia River Basin Province